
Drastic Celebrity Makeovers That Warrant Do-Overs

“And in a lot of shots, my face looks plastic and at certain angles, I was like, ‘Oh, dear. Oh, I should never have done that. Oh, that’s a bad one,’ ” she said. “So I’m like, ‘No more. No more abuse.’”, Aging gracefully is not a notion that many people, especially not celebrities, embrace. Famous folks routinely attempt to erase the natural lines that come with age and end up with a warped idea of aesthetic beauty. In Hollywood, older women have, in many cases, been put to pasture by the time they’re 40, so they turn to plastic surgery in the hopes that it will enhance their beauty. For some celebrities, trying to reverse the aging process by changing their looks has backfired dramatically. These terrible moments of celebrity plastic surgery are proof that puffy lips, larger breasts, and tighter skin don’t always equate to more success. Or, in the bigger picture, increased self-esteem.

Some regret going under the knife, while others can’t stop. Many celebs have denied getting work done, but these before and after photos don’t lie. Here are some drastic celebrity plastic surgery stories that warrant a do-over.

Lara Flynn Boyle

The Twin Peaks star maintained a healthy natural look throughout The Practice, until her face started to change. The first sign of cosmetic enhancement began with puffy lips in the early 2000s. According to experts, procedures from rhinoplasty to facial lift and fillers were performed. Her decision may have been based on surviving in ageist Hollywood.

“There are just not that many roles for older women. On a vanity level, I am not looking forward to aging at all – I think I look pretty good now,” she told the Daily Mail.

However, since getting work done, she’s been mostly limited to low-budget indie films.

Melanie Griffith

The star of Working Girl had a perfectly fine face in 1988. But then the pressure of getting older set in. Griffith started getting work done in 1995 — most noticeably to her lips — but not for the better. Even her fans were perplexed.

“People started saying, ‘Oh my God, what has she done?! I was so hurt. I went to a different doctor and he started dissolving all of this stuff that this other woman doctor had put in. Hopefully, I look more normal now,” she told Porter magazine.

Jennifer Grey

The daughter of Joel Grey became famous in Dirty Dancing, but much of the talk surrounding the actress later shifted to her nose job. Grey went under the knife to shave off the bump on her nose, perhaps hoping that it would lead to more opportunities. Instead, the resulting rhinoplasty dramatically altered her appearance. What used to set her apart now narrowed the playing field. Even Grey herself regretted the decision.

“I went into the operating room a celebrity and came out anonymous. It was the nose job from hell. I’ll always be this once-famous actress [that] nobody recognizes because of a nose job,” she told the Daily Mirror.

Daryl Hannah

Daryl Hannah made a big Splash in 1984 as a mermaid. She was a great, natural beauty until she started messing with her face. Her model looks morphed into overly puffy cheeks and lips, and her eyebrows look unnaturally frozen. Hannah has denied ever having plastic surgery.

“There was a picture taken a while ago of me emerging from the ocean, with my hair slicked back and no makeup on. I looked as though I had puffy, squinty eyes and the rumor went [around that] I’d had work done. I lost jobs because of it and I thought about suing, but you have to prove malicious intent,” she told the Daily Mail.

Mickey Rourke

Mickey Rourke had one of the most extreme facial makeovers. The last time we saw his original face was in the sexy steamer 9½ Weeks. Now, the former boxer literally looks like his face was smashed in … several times. Rourke claims that corrective surgery to mend his broken nose and cheekbone backfired. And that fat lip, most likely, didn’t come from a punch.

“I went to the wrong guy to put my face back together. I had to have cartilage taken from my ear to rebuild my nose, and a couple of operations to scrape out the cartilage because the scar tissue wasn’t healing properly,” he told the Daily Mail.

La Toya Jackson

Plastic surgery seems to run in the Jackson family. Like her late brother, Michael, she reduced her nose to a pair of slats. Her bulging chipmunk cheeks, due to implants, are alarmingly round. Her permanently raised eyebrows may give her that surprised look. but one wonders how she expresses sadness. People’s faces change as they get older, but Jackson reinvented hers. She may have hoped it would help advance her career in the music and entertainment industries, but many of her fans have labeled her “freakish.”

Lil’ Kim

Rapper Lil’ Kim allegedly underwent a potpourri of operations, altering her lips, cheeks, chin, nose, skin color, and forehead. Her chin is pointier, her nose is pinched, and her cheeks bulge out weirdly. The fans were not pleased with Kim’s ever-changing looks.

“Dark skinned Lil Kim was perfection … I don’t know who this woman is anymore,” a shocked fan tweeted.

Experts fear that these are the signs of plastic surgery addiction.

“Based on how drastically she continues to change her appearance, I would think she has a problem and needs to seek professional help,” Dr. Gary Breslow told Page Six.

Lindsay Lohan

The innocent girl from The Parent Trap has had several makeovers in her quest for perfection. She reportedly had mammoplasty when she turned 17, and her lips (and possibly her cheeks) were overly filled. Lohan has denied getting work done, but photos tell all.

“Her lips look like they’ve been injected with a stiffer filler like Restylane Lyft. Her cheeks also look plumped up, possibly due to filler like Voluma,” plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn told New Idea magazine.

Even her friends think she’s gone overboard.

“She thinks that if she does [these things], it will reignite her career. But she’s gone too far,” one told the National Enquirer.

Sylvester Stallone

Macho action star Sylvester Stallone tries to cling onto the looks of his Rocky days, but the septuagenarian is hanging by a surgical thread. Stallone confessed to People that some of his cosmetic transformations are due to nerve damage from an operation his mom got during his delivery. The saggy look on the left side of his face and crooked mouth were corrected. Sly wasn’t sly about future procedures.

“Sure. Why not do it? You have body work done on your car,” he said.

According to the experts at plasticsurgerypeople.com, Sly has also undergone a hair transplant, a face lift, a forehead lift, Botox injections, eyelid surgery, and a nose job.

Joan Rivers

The late comedian is perhaps the poster girl of makeovers. She never hid the fact that she had several surgeries, including a face lift, neck lift, and eyelid surgery — believing they made her look “camera ready.” Her daughter, Melissa, penned a memoir — The Book of Joan: Tales of Mirth, Mischief and Manipulation — revealing Joan’s staggering 348 procedures. Joan was unapologetic about it.

“Let me tell you, beautiful gets you everywhere,” she told Entertainment Weekly in 2010. “The New York Times had an article: Babies respond to pretty faces. So stop telling everyone it’s OK not to be pretty! If you can fix it, fix it!”

Lisa Rinna

In the 90s, soap opera star Lisa Rinna led with her lips in Days of Our Lives and Melrose Place. Rinna began injecting them with silicone in her 20s to develop her signature pout, which she now regrets.

“Stupid thing to do at 24. A couple of years ago, I [had] a doctor remove as much as they possibly can because it got to the point where they were yucky,” she told Today.

Her lips now define her career.

“I never had a career before I had the lips. So my lips have had their own career,” she said.

Meg Ryan

Much has been said about what the adorable ingenue from When Harry Met Sally did to her face. When she first got her lips done in 2003, she looked more like the Joker.

“I think she looked better before this work. She may have done too much. I think that’s why people are a little shocked, because she doesn’t look like the Meg Ryan that we all love,” plastic surgeon Mark Youssef told entertainment website Hollywood Life.

Overdoing it with Botox and filler to her cheeks may have diminished her looks, as well as her career. We’ve seen less and less of Ryan on the big screen.

Michael Jackson

He was known as the King of Pop, but the King of Nose Jobs might have been a more apropos title. After Off the Wall, he strangely morphed into a bizarre-looking individual. He bleached his skin and underwent several rhinoplasties until his nose was virtually nonexistent. For what it’s worth, Jackson only admitted to two nose jobs in an interview with ABC News’ Martin Bashir.

“I’ve had no plastic surgery on my face. Just my nose. It helped me breathe better so I can hit higher notes … Two, as I can remember … Yeah. Just two,” he said.

Melissa Gilbert

The former darling of Little House on the Prairie is all grown up now, with breast implants to prove it. Gilbert took to her personal blog, Melissa Midlife Musings, to lament about her “tatas.” During the last few seasons of Little House, she wrote that “she was made to wear a padded bra.” In 2014, she wrote that she was having her implants removed.

“I am concerned for my health,” she admitted. “I don’t like the way I look or feel. Frankly, I’d like to be able to take a Zumba class without the fear that I’ll end up with two black eyes.”

K. Michelle

R&B singer K. Michelle underwent liposuction and butt augmentation. The Love & Hip Hop alum regretted those decisions, saying they had a negative impact on her burgeoning movie career.

“I have movies and different things I’m working on. I hate being typecast because my bottom is so heavy. It’s always a problem when it comes to designers and when they have to get stuff to fit my body,” she told media personality B. Scott.

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