
Freeze-Ahead Breakfast Wraps Are Convenient and Delicious

These wraps are perfect for overnight journeys when people wish to have something quick and satisfying for the next day. These are the freeze-ahead breakfast wraps containing spinach, sweet potato, and red pepper, among other ingredients. Sweet smoked paprika adds a hint of smoky flavor to the sweet potatoes and those join the spinach and you can even dress up eggs in a pleasing way. Such wraps can be made anytime and stashed in the freezer for a surprise excursion.

Pack Freeze-Ahead Breakfast Wraps Frozen to Last Longer

The breakfast wraps should be packed frozen so they have enough time to thaw during the journey. To ensure that is possible, enthusiasts should put them in the fridge the night before the travel. This way, they will have something tasty and convenient to eat. A ketchup bottle or smoky red pepper sauce could be used to complement the wraps. For easy freezing and reheating, foil can be used for the wraps and a single freezer-proof container can be used to cut down on waste. A small piece of parchment can be used between each wrap to ensure they don’t stick together.

Freeze-Ahead Breakfast Wraps Can Be Made in Several Simple Steps

A large skillet should be used for the preparation of make-ahead frozen wraps. A tablespoon of olive oil should be heated at medium-high heat and then sweet potatoes should be added. Then, they should be cooked for about 5 to 7 minutes while being stirred with a wooden spoon. When the sweet potatoes are tender, they should be placed into a bowl and stirred with sweet smoked paprika.

Now, shallots, a tablespoon of olive oil, and red bell pepper should be added and cooked on medium-low heat for 3 minutes until the shallots become translucent. These should be added to the bowl with sweet potatoes and goat cheese and spinach leaves can also be added.

Eggs, Custard, and Vegetables Are a Good Addition to the Wraps

The skillet should be wiped and another tablespoon of olive oil should be added and heated on medium. Then, beaten eggs should be poured in and stirred while cooking until a loose custard forms. Vegetables can then be added to the skillet and stirred through to combine but the eggs should not be overcooked.

Then, the tortillas should be laid out and the egg-vegetable mixture should be divided evenly among them. When that is done, the tortillas should be wrapped and rolled and allowed to cool completely. Then, they can be packed for freezing. Some enthusiasts may prefer to make their own ketchup but a bottle from the store would also do. Once the wraps are frozen and then taken on a trip, they still have to be cooked. To do that, enthusiasts should use a medium-hot grill to warm the wraps for 5 to 7 minutes on each side.

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